Kids’ Chance of New Mexico Scholarship Application 2024-2025


Kids’ Chance of New Mexico is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization providing scholarships for children of workers who have been killed or seriously injured in a compensable work-related accident or occupational disease. Scholarships are awarded throughout the year. Students may apply every semester for which they are eligible. Scholarship amounts are determined based on the student’s financial need.

Student Eligibility:

Between 16 and 25 years old at the time of the application.
Child who is a dependent of a worker killed or seriously injured in a compensable work-related accident or occupational disease with a New Mexico employer.
Demonstrated financial need to pay for post-secondary education.
Accepted or already enrolled at a [university, college or technical school]. (Graduate-level students are not eligible.)
Pursuing a degree as a Full-Time student.
Completion of the FAFSA – the Free Application for Federal Student Aid – for students attending a 2-year or 4-year college or university.

Documentation Required:

Completed Toby Wright Memorial Scholarship Application with student, family and university/college/technical school contact information
Transcript of most recent grades – unofficial transcript is acceptable
Copy of the Student Aid Report (SAR) you received from completing the FAFSA, with your Expected Family Contribution (EFC), if you are attending a 2-year or 4-year college or university.
Brief description of the applicant’s education and career goals
Proof of compensable injury/illness claim such as determination letter by the New Mexico workers’ compensation Administration
Parents’ basic employer information such as name, address, phone
Brief description of the injury, illness, or fatality


Please complete the application to the best of your ability. You may need assistance to gather the necessary information.
After initial review, the scholarship committee may contact eligible students to verify information or secure missing information. Please respond to our inquiries.
The scholarship committee will determine the merit of each application and approve scholarships as funds allow.
The scholarship committee will notify approved students of their award amount, verify enrollment, and upon completion of the process, will send payment directly to student or institution.


The Foundation became a non-profit 501c-3 on February 7, 2011.The scholarship program is to provide scholarships for post-secondary education to children whose families have suffered a substantial decline in income due to a parent being killed or permanently or catastrophically injured as a result of a work related incident in New Mexico. The student must attend a school in New Mexico and maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA.


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